We're launching a Discord for student use!
Due to frequent requests, we are launching a Discord Channel for Top Note Student use. We hope this will foster a sense of community between alumni and active students, provide an easy way to exchange information and feedback about our current shows and projects, and allow a fun way to connect and support each other at various other events during the school year!
Verified Top Note students only. Members must have attended camp, class, or winter workshop.
No profanity or inappropriate content. If you wouldn’t want your parents or teachers to see it, don’t post it.
No racism, homophobia, transphobia, or hate speech of ANY kind.
No bullying. T.his includes petty gossip or trash talking non-Top Note students, schools, etc.
Bullying over DMs will also result in immediate action.
Don’t spam.
Please follow the themes of each chat.
Text Chat hours are 7AM to 10PM
Voice channel hours are TBA depending on moderator availability. Until we get our bearings, no video/voice chats are permitted without Teacher Amanda or an intern to monitor activity.
Basically classroom rules apply: Respect yourself, respect others, respect the things around you. And most importantly: Don't ruin it!
Teacher Amanda and the Top Note Committee will act as moderators for this server.
Minor violations of these rules will result in a warning and message deletion. Blatant or repeated disregard will result in a ban and contacting parents. Violation of bullying rules may even carry over to being banned from future Top Note classes or activities.
Althought parents are not permitted members of the server, they are welcome to request access from Teacher Amanda or view activity at any time.
If youre student would like to join the server, please have them e-mail or message Teacher Amanda or any members of the Top Note Committee - Interns Majah, Gyzelle, and Abby!